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Compiling with z88dk with an iPhone / iPad

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:44 pm
by Comandillos
Today i was testing with z88dk in my computer (Mac OS X), i get the latest version from the SVN and compiled it, all worked perfectly.

I was interested to make programs for my Texas Instrument (TI-83), programming in C, but i haven't a notebook, and i really wanted to program C directly in my calculator, or..., my iPad, so i investigate, and installed an Unofficial Terminal for my iPad, and installed some packages from apt (included with the Terminal), like gcc and some basic libs, and tried to compile z88dk directly. First attempts were failed, but with some tricks i'v got z88dk running on my iPad! (The most difficult part was to set the PATH variable :P)

That's an screenshot that show it! (Terminal is called MobileTerminal, it's running native 100% on the iPad, doesn't need computer or anything...). Sorry for the image, i don't know how to upload to other hosting :S
