Hello there fellow z88dk'er!
I see you are tackling a problem that I had long ago, so let me share my solutions to help
Some initial setup -
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#include <stdio.h>
// Pre-processor
typedef unsigned char ubyte;
typedef unsigned int uword;
#define print_mode 32 // set 32 for 64 character or 0 for default text mode
The above "print_mode"is used as either "32" or "0" depending on my compilation target as I had older code that didn't use 64 column output. however I included it later as a legacy for said code - this could just be rolled into the printf setup -
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// printf control characters
#define zxp_at 22
#define zxp_paper 17
#define zxp_ink 16
#define zxp_bright 19
#define zxp_flash 18
#define zxp_over 21
#define zxp_inverse 20
#define zxp_tab 23
// zx spectrum attribute enum colours ( zx spectrum attribute organized )
#define _black 0
#define _blue 1
#define _red 2
#define _magenta 3
#define _green 4
#define _cyan 5
#define _yellow 6
#define _white 7
#define _bright 1
#define _flash 1
Thats all the zx spectrum stuff no we need to look at how the "printf" handles colour, again these are mention in the docs and graphics.h, this code doesn't use "graphics.h" as I wanted a small compilation. lol not sure how thats turned out these days, but its what I went with
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// z88dk printf driver enum colour calls
#define BLACK 0 // zx spectrum colour 0
#define BLUE 1 // zx spectrum colour 1
#define RED 4 // zx spectrum colour 2
#define MAGENTA 5 // zx spectrum colour 3
#define GREEN 2 // zx spectrum colour 4
#define CYAN 3 // zx spectrum colour 5
#define YELLOW 14 // zx spectrum colour 6
#define WHITE 7 // zx spectrum colour 7
As you can see the vaules for the colour displayed is different to the humble zx - this is because the "printf" driver / function is many things for many targets.
to offset this with my older code and to help my aged brain to swim more in with the zx-spectrum-ny-ness I put the following enum conversion. again this is more for my own code but it will *i hope* give you insight into "printf" under z88dk
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// Global Vectors
ubyte zx_colour[8];
// Debug Functions
void init_zxcolours( void ); // initialize enum vector of zx spectrum colours 0-7
void init_zxcolours( void ) // for use with the printf driver.
{ /* zx spectrum colour pallet */
zx_colour[ 0 ] = BLACK; // 0 zx_colour[ _black ];
zx_colour[ 1 ] = BLUE; // 1 zx_colour[ _blue ];
zx_colour[ 2 ] = RED; // 4 zx_colour[ _red ];
zx_colour[ 3 ] = MAGENTA; // 5 zx_colour[ _magenta ];
zx_colour[ 4 ] = GREEN; // 2 zx_colour[ _green ];
zx_colour[ 5 ] = CYAN; // 3 zx_colour[ _cyan ];
zx_colour[ 6 ] = YELLOW; // 14 zx_colour[ _yellow ];
zx_colour[ 7 ] = WHITE; // 7 zx_colour[ _white ];
so I can use zx_colour[ 0-7 ]; with "printf" to ensure I get the correct colour, again this is mainly for my old code and
so lets talk about printing it all out - the following is a function I often use when debugging code as its relatively quick to write for example -
zxprintf"Hello World", 10,5, zx_colours[ _black ], zx_colours[ _cyan ], bright. 0, 0 );
The above prints on the spectrum console at cell 10, row 5, "Hello World", in black ink and Cyan Paper
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void zxprintf( char *str, char x, char y, char ink, char paper, char bright, char flash, char over );
void zxprintf( char *str, char x, char y, char ink, char paper, char bright, char flash, char over )
/* *NB
in 64 column mode the printf driver requires an offset value of 32 added to the
coords of x and y sent to the function when using 64column mode.
x = x + print_mode;
y = y + print_mode;
printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%s", zxp_at,
Alternatively I often use this function in conjunction with "sprintf" for example
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sprintf( str,"Testing loop Level = %d", loop_index );
zxprintf( str, 5,2, YELLOW, BLACK, 1, 0, 0 );
As you may notice I used the direct colour codes defined earlier and sent string to the function, and instead of using "_bright" or "_flash" etc. I just used "1" for on and "0" for off.
There is a lot of weight and legacy in these functions but my hope is that it makes the printf driver a bit easier to grasp under 64 column mode.
hopefully you find these functions useful in your research, i look forward to seeing what mischief you get upto