It seems that only when a calculation is doen, the value is always zero, if I use the calculation directly at the point where it's is used then the correct value pop's up.
In the end I'm trying to define a block of code where I need specific constant that described offsets from the start of the block. Also the total length of this block is needed, so I can transfer it. This works inside an specific z80 assembler but i'm not getting it working inside Z88dk for some reason?
Thanks in advance.
Code: Select all
136 BlockStart:
137 000052 00 Var1: DEFB 0
138 000053 00 Var2: DEFB 0
139 000054 00 Var3: DEFB 0
140 BlockEnd:
142 BlockSize EQU (BlockEnd - BlockStart)
143 BlockSize2 = (BlockEnd - BlockStart)
144 DEFC BlockSize3=(BlockEnd - BlockStart)
145 BlockTest EQU 123
147 000055 0000 TestVar: DEFW BlockSize
148 000057 0300 TestVar2: DEFW (BlockEnd - BlockStart)
150 000059 0600 LD B,BlockSize
151 00005b 0600 LD B,BlockSize2
152 00005d 0600 LD B,BlockSize3
153 00005f 067b LD B,BlockTest
154 000061 010000 LD BC,BlockSize
155 000064 ed4b0300 LD BC,(BlockEnd - BlockStart)