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Hello World example

Note the character code 12 used to clear the screen.

 *	Hello World

#include <stdio.h>

	printf("%cHello world!\n",12);

Running on the ZX Spectrum

Compile it with the following command:

  zcc +zx -lndos -create-app -o hello hello.c

It will make a file named “hello.tap”.

When run the progam will produce the following output:

Running on the ZX 81 in FAST mode

Compile it with the following command:

  zcc +zx81 -create-app -o hello hello.c

It will produce a file named “hello.p”, with the following output:

Running on the MSX

Compile it with the following command:

  zcc +msx -create-app hello.c

It will produce a file named “a.msx”, which can be transferred onto a disk image and run:

examples/snippets/world.txt · Last modified: 2007/11/28 08:24 (external edit)